From Covai Cosmetic Surgery
Seeking to diminish pigmentation, eliminate large pores, or reduce wrinkles and acne? Explore the transformative benefits of Carbon Laser Peel Treatment for radiant, blemish-free skin.
A non-ablative laser treatment designed to enhance skin texture, health, and appearance. Particularly effective for acne, oily skin, clogged pores, and sun damage while stimulating collagen production.
During this painless procedure, a liquid carbon layer absorbs impurities, and a laser heats it to stimulate collagen production. The carbon and impurities are fragmented and removed, followed by sunscreen and moisturizer application.
A fast and painless procedure lasting 30-45 minutes. Patients typically need 3-5 treatments over 2-3 months, followed by maintenance every six months. Post-procedure care includes regular moisturizing and sunscreen use.
Carbon Peel Treatment is safe, but minor tingling or redness may occur. Dr. Sivakumar may recommend antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medication if needed.