Lipoma is a slow-growing lump of fatty tissue that resides under the skin. These lumps can grow anywhere on the body, usually on your back, arms, shoulders, and neck. Although classified as tumors, multiple lipomas are generally benign and considered harmless.
Familial Multiple Lipomatosis (FML) refers to having more than one lipoma. Lipomas can vary in size and commonly appear on the torso, arms, and upper legs. 1 in every 1000 people has a lipoma, and they can affect individuals of any gender, typically between ages 40 to 60.
Lipomas appear roundish, feeling doughy and rubbery to the touch. Small lipomas are very mobile and usually not attached to any underlying tissue. Larger lipomas may grow to the size of a golf ball and embed themselves in the muscle, sometimes causing discomfort.
While the exact cause of lipoma growth is still unknown, genetics play a key role in their development. A family history of lipomas can increase your susceptibility to developing multiple or recurring lipomas, even after removal.
Doctors can diagnose a lipoma through a physical examination. In some cases, an ultrasound may be recommended to understand the lipoma's depth and attachment, but this is typically unnecessary.
We offer same-day surgical removal of lipomas under local anesthesia. The surgery is performed through small incisions for minimal scarring. Removal may take multiple sessions depending on the size and number of lipomas. The procedure takes about 30-60 minutes, and patients can go home immediately after.
Dercum’s Disease can cause pain upon touch due to lipomas’ proximity to nerves. Madelung Disease affects the upper back, neck, and jaw with symmetrical fatty tissue growth and can often be mistaken for FML.
Lipomas are soft, benign lumps of fat that can be found anywhere on the body. If you have a family history or symptoms, you may consider surgical removal. Visit Covai Cosmetic Surgery for more information.